Friday, June 30, 2006

Ethiopian Cuisine in M-town

I found an Ethiopian restaurant in town and tried it out last week. They do not use utensils, it was spicy, and it had a very particular taste. But not bad. My insides appreciated the preparation.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

June Update

Dear Supporters,

Well June has already proved to be a crazy month. Last week I was in Estes Park, Colorado, and this week I had the privilege of helping out with VBS. Both were incredible experiences and were made possible through my church (Riveroaks) here in Memphis hiring me as the summer youth intern. In Colorado we climbed mountains that still had snow on them, took classes on different Christian topics, and heard talks every night. The theme of VBS was Pilgrim's Progress. I found it fitting for my situation as I very much feel like a pilgrim as I wait for support.

This summer I am responsible for mainly the Senior High youth at the church, which means going on trips with them, meeting with them to encourage them spiritually, and just living among them to help them in their walk with Christ.

My support is coming at a slow yet steady rate. My one-time total as of today is $7,925.00 (out of $17,400) and my monthly pledge total is $353 (out of $2500). I know of a couple hundred dollars in monthly pledges that will be coming soon, but that is definitely where my need is. I have more e-giving cards from MTW if you are considering giving monthly and don't want to have to worry about writing a check every month. You can also determine which paycheck in the month the money comes out of. This will take the money from your account electronically. I recommend it. Contact me if you're interested.

I spoke at the Covenant Presbytery meeting in May and am currently trying to contact them to seek meetings with their missions committees. I also have scheduled a meeting with a church in Columbia, TN for August 16th. It's actually Andy Warren's (the MTW team leader in Ethiopia) dad's church. I am excited about that opportunity to share my ministry.

I am currently trying to set-up a blog, which is a personal website where you can keep up with me on a daily or weekly basis. It is located at I'm still learning how to use it. I also have a skype account, which is a free instant messenger service where you can talk to me while I'm overseas. My instant messenger name is jimplunk. Also, my email address is These are the best ways of contacting or keeping up with me outside of my monthly updates.

Your financial support and prayers are incredibly encouraging to me during this difficult phase in my life. The investment of your treasures into eternal things is inspiring to me and will yield fruit into me, the team already in Ethiopia, and most importantly, those who are suffering from AIDS. I do not take it lightly that you support, pray, and even think of me and I hope to sufficiently update you throughout the next few years. Please feel free to contact me with any comments, questions, or encouragement.

Prayer Requests:

1. The team in Ethiopia and the beneficiaries (AIDS patients). Praise that the number of deaths has decreased and that the team now has access to a government hospital where patients can be tested, which will hopefully help with preventing the spread of HIV.

2. Encouragement and perseverance for me during this time of support raising. Many of my friends do not live here anymore and I'm struggling with having the patience to wait on God's perfect timing for my departure into the next stage of life.

3. Opened doors to speak at churches in hopes of getting monthly financial and prayer support. Praise for the opportunity at Presbytery.

4. My distance relationship. Yes I'm in one and it is and will be difficult. Her name is Heather and she will be a junior at Covenant this fall. We haven't seen each other since May 11th and won't until she comes here July 19th. Pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit during this rough time.

5. My ministry this summer at my church. Praise for employment and this wonderful opportunity. I'm speaking this Wednesday at youth group and going on a mission trip to St. Louis in July. I'm also trying to partner with inner city ministries.

6. Flexible temporary employment for the fall when my internship ends in August.

In Him,

Jim Plunk
Missionary to Ethiopia