Sunday, August 20, 2006

August Update

Dear Supporters,

This last month has been full of adventure and surprise. I am excited to announce that I have received all of my one-time need with a surplus! The surplus of one-time money will help to lower my monthly need, so one-time gifts are still welcomed. Completing my one-time is very encouraging because I can now focus on my monthly need. At this point, I have raised $920 monthly out of a needed $2500 (not counting the one-time surplus).

The Lord has been faithful in providing churches in which to speak. I have spent the last two Sundays in Mississippi speaking at Christ Presbyterian in Oxford and Grenada Presbyterian. I have received a one-time gift from Grace Presbyterian in Jackson, TN. It was very nice to be able to speak at Zion Presbyterian in Columbia, TN and meet Andy’s dad, who is the pastor.

The Lord has also been faithful in providing flexible work for this fall. I will be working for an elder in my church who has an asphalt paving business. The work will be tough, but he will be flexible with my traveling needs to speak at churches and to do training. The job is also good since I will have evenings free to call potential supporters and weekends to visit churches or friends at Covenant. I am very thankful to have been able to work with the youth at my church, but this is a better fit for my needs at this point than youth ministry.

I also have some missionary responsibilities this fall. MTW has required that I take an Evangelism Explosion (EE) class, which I will be taking every Wednesday evening at my church through the fall beginning on August 30th. It basically teaches you how to accurately and effectively share your faith. I also have a week of training in North Carolina from September 11-15. It is called Living in Grace and will be a good to time reflect on the concept of grace and gain encouragement from other missionaries. I will also try to study and take the GRE this fall so I can go to graduate school of some kind when I get back.

The week in July I had with Heather(girlfriend) was encouraging. We felt confirmation from the Lord regarding our feelings and commitment. We thank you for your prayers and are excited to be able to see each other more often this fall now that she is back at Covenant.

Prayer requests:

1. Thanksgiving to God for his faithfulness in providing work, bringing in my one-time need, and sustaining my relationship.
2. Prayer for traveling mercies as I drive to North Carolina for missionary training in September.
3. More opportunities to speak to churches and their mission committees.
4. Perseverance with calling supporters and studying for the GRE.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Support Raising Milestone

As you can see on the sidebar I have raised my one-time need!!!

I would still encourage one-time gifts since the leftovers go towards my monthly need, but monthly giving is particularly desired at this point.